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Ciaran is proud to have been awarded distinctions from the Irish Photographic Federation and the Royal Photographic Society.  His Associateships (AIPF and ARPS) were gained in 2007 and 2008 for submission of photographs taken in Vietnam.
Ciaran also competes in photographic competitions (salons) worldwide and his works have been accepted into these exhibitions in places as far flung as Hong Kong, Spain, Luxembourg, Austria, Qatar and the USA among others, as well as the UK and Ireland.   The Federation Internationale de l'Art Photographic (FIAP) have also awarded Ciaran an AFIAP distinction in 2009 for these efforts. He has won many international awards in photographic salons and had been the IPF projected image national winner for the past two years.


Ciaran is available to lecture in a wide variety of photographic subjects including photoshop and flash photography.


Ciaran lives with his family in Faughart, Dundalk, Co. Louth, Ireland
and is available for photographic commissions.


Irish photographer Ciaran De Bhal has had a keen interest in photography for many years.  This interest has became an obsession since joining Dundalk Photographic Society in 2002. Since then he has become a devoted student of photogaphy and much of his personal time is spent in pursuit of his hobby.  Ciaran has recently become Photographer Of The Year for the third seccessive year, a feat never achieved in the DPS 32 year history.  He was also a panel member of the FIAP World Cup Winning Team in 2010 and Runner Up in 2011.



Shabra Group
Boyne Walk
Irish Distillers
Blackrock Medical Centre
Made In Hollywood
Johnston Press
Verve Marketing
Finnabair Estates
Dundalk Democrat

CEF Ltd.

DKIT - Regional Development Cen

© Ciarán De Bhál 2012

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Whitemill, Faughart, Dundalk, Co. Louth, Ireland

+353 (0)872557754

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